Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Narrow Fellow in the Grass - 1 Essay - 788 Words

A Narrow Fellow in the Grass By Emily Dickinson. A Narrow Fellow in the Grass Is believed to have been written in 1865. About a year later it was published under the title The Snake by a journal called Springfield Republican. This poem express natures infamous creatures, the snake. The poem is built around what appears to be and what is. This poem is meant to be read aloud and appreciated for its precision. Some would say A Narrow Fellow in the Grass is perhaps the most nearly perfect poem addressing nature. Also this poem itself has received a great deal of critical attention. In the opening lines, Dickinson cleverly states the subject of the poem, a snake. She makes the snake sound harmless. The term narrow†¦show more content†¦Oddly, the definition of wrinkle is a clever trick. In these lines he was tricked by the snake for it was not what it appeared to be. The image of a snake wrinkling suggests the snake was frightened by the approach of the speaker. Also, in lines seventeen through twenty the speaker claim s to have a connection to the outdoors and its animals. He feels close to these creatures and he describes this connection as a transport In lines twenty one through twenty four the speaker describes the feeling of an encounter with a snake as a moment of shock and fear. He mentions on how he had tighter breathing from the panic. Most people who has encountered with a snake has felt the fear and the panic. In the final line he describes the feeling with the metaphor zero at the bone referring to the bone chilling terror. The end suggest that the snake which is referred as harmless might possible be deceptive. The speaker, which suggest that he loves all animals, cannot love dangerous trickster the snake in the grass. The speaker reacts to the snake as if it were a living terror of the unknown, for it is both chilling and startling. 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