Friday, October 25, 2019

Incarcerated Parents and Their Children Essay -- Children of Incarcerat

The challenges of children who grow up with parents whom were incarcerated at some point in their childhood can have a major effect on their life. The incarceration of parents can at times begin to affect the child even at birth. Now with prison nurseries the impregnated mother can keep her baby during her time in jail. With the loss of their parent the child can begin to develop behavioral problems with being obedient, temper tantrums, and the loss of simple social skills. Never learning to live in a society they are deprived of a normal social life. â€Å"The enormous increase incarceration led to a parallel, but far less documented, increase in the proportion of children who grew up with a parent incarcerated during their childhood† (Johnson 2007). This means the consequences of the children of the incarcerated parents receive no attention from the media, or academic research. The academic research done in this paper is to strengthen the research already wor ked by many other people. The impact of the parent’s incarceration on these children can at times be both positive and negative. The incarceration of a parent can be the upshot to the change of child’s everyday life, behavioral problems, and depriving them a normal social life. There have been many questions raised if the nurseries programs were fair but â€Å"the number of women incarcerated in state prisons in the United States (US) has dramatically increased in the past 20 years, and 70% of these women are the mothers of minor children, as of the last Bureau of Justice estimates† (Mumola, 2000). â€Å"Allowing women to parent their children within correctional facilities in the US may be â€Å"one of the most controversial debates surrounding the imprisonment of women† (Bel... ...e, May 2009. Web. . Mumola, Christopher J. 2000. Incarcerated Parents and Their Children. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, NCJ 182335. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics Phillips, Susan D., Alaattin Erkanli, Gordon P. Keeler, E. Jane Costello, and Adrian Angold. 2006. â€Å"Disentangling the Risks: Parent Criminal Justice Involvement and Children’s Exposure to Family Risks.† Criminology and Public Policy 5(4). Sroufe LA, Egeland B, Carlson EA, Collins WA. The development of the person: The Minnesota study of risk and adaptation from birth to adulthood. New York: The Guilford Press; 2005. Tolan, Patrick H., Deborah Gorman-Smith, and Rolf Leober. "Developmental Timing of Onsets of Disruptive." Journal of Child and Family Studies 9.2 (2000): 203-20. Print.

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